A two-day wellbeing event from A to Z for top executives at AG

A boost for the mutual communication and wellbeing among AG employees.
Raise awareness, Training & self-help, Promote wellbeing
Deelnemer Expeditie AG

In a nutshell

The request

AG has for years now invited its top executives regularly to a strategic business off-site meeting. In 2024, they wanted to take a different approach by focusing on connection and on embedding mental, social, and physical wellbeing further among their top executives. Waldon was given the honour and had the pleasure of organising the entire event. 



The solution

Waldon not only organised a two-day wellbeing event, but also provided a lead-up programme to raise awareness among the participants. A combination of testimonials from the management, self-assessments on mental, social, and physical wellbeing, digital programmes, and a motivating step challenge ensured that the participants were well prepared for the off-site event. During the two-day event, we served up an engaging mix of keynotes, various exercise sessions, challenges (including a fire run), culinary experiences, and a festive finale.  

A little longer

An extensive digital prelude focused on connection, leadership, and movement

Waldon gladly took up this challenge and launched a grand wellbeing programme in September 2023 called: “Expedition AG.” A personalised communication process, including videos from the CEO - Heidi Delobelle – was launched to invite AG's top executives to register for the event and to participate in the lead-up programme. 

This lead-up programme focused on raising awareness about mental, social, and physical wellbeing. Self-assessments were for instance provided to direct participants to the right tools based on their "risk". This could entail an in-depth digital programme on stress, but participants could also avail themselves of AG's Employee Assistance Programme. The lead-up programme concluded with a step-by-step challenge where participants made their way to the event location through the various AG locations. 

A two-day wellbeing event in the Ardennes Highlands

The climax of this wellbeing programme was reached during a two-day event in the Ardennes Highlands. After a cosy breakfast, we sent all participants on a hike. Quite literally. This hiking task focused on creating connections and getting to know each other better.  

Everyone was then immersed in two TED talks on mental and physical wellbeing, followed by a real-life case study from Lise Conix, CEO of Torfs. She shared her tips and tricks on how she not only focuses on wellbeing within Torfs but also on how she broaches it in her daily life.   

Lise Conix

In the afternoon, the participants were taken out of their comfort zones with various challenging exercises, including a fire run. The perfect setting to disconnect from work and connect with each other in the real sense of the term. Ideal for the dinner and the party that followed into the wee hours.  

For the finale, on the next day the participants could sign up for various wellbeing activities ranging from a yoga session, a mindful walk to a full-body workout. The perfect activity to unwind after a pleasant but busy evening. 

With a satisfaction score of 41, we can all look back on this experience feeling more than fulfilled. On to the next event  

The event was well organised and the support to the participants was excellent. The walk in the morning was a nice icebreaker and the idea of the TED-talks was great.

Expedition AG Participant

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